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The Stone Circle Council

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Moon Services

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What are the Moon Services?

We gather to celebrate and pray together on New and Full Moon days throughout the year.

These services are simple was for us to gather and offer up services to the community, services we write and offer. These ritual services can be a guided meditation, a Sumbel, a Fire dance, Drumming, guided writing or drawing, spell-working, or anything that you want/need or wish to offer. We seek volunteers from the tribe to share their celebration and ritual with us in a safe space. 

If you have questions about how to provide a Moon Service, feel free to reach out to Patricia Althouse or John Nunemaker or anyone on the Moon Service Committee, they are happy to assist you!

Sign up to lead a Moon Service - This link will take you to the sign-up form. Select a date and fill out information you know, you do not need to have all the answers when you sign-up to lead a Service, someone from the Moon Service Committee will reach out and discuss with you your needs and help you with making sure that your service and offering runs smoothly.

Stone Circle Council LLC is a Registered Non-Profit with the IRS. 

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