Broken Board - Here at the Cup & Board kitchen we provide safe, well prepared, nourishing food for our community during events and spiritual activities. We do this work to ensure that feasting and food remain a core part of our spiritual journey both as individuals and as a community because it is VERY easy for food and feasting to become commercial and not spiritual. In our kitchen we encourage the development of safe food handling skills and we love to share our knowledge with interested folks. You can find us at all Stone Circle Council events and check out our Facebook group online.
Craft Coterie - The Craft Coterie group gets together every so often to share virtual space and company for craft sessions. Details about upcoming get togethers are posted on the Stone Circle Council Facebook page.
Embers Of The Hearth - This group is dedicated to creating and maintaining fires for Stone Circle Council. Our focus is the importance of Fire Safety during ceremonial and recreational fires. We chat about fire stuff in our Facebook group.
Poetry Corner - A safe space to share your poetry, you are invited to join Stone Circle Poetry Corner! A place for Pagan poets from Stone Circle Wicca & Stone Circle Council to share their love of words, share their poetry, and support each other! Join us in our Facebook group.
Quire - We’re here to help bring the powerful magic of music to Stone Circle Council events! Join the Choir (quire!) and join us in song as we aim to create unity through music, bringing the Stone Circle Council community together as one voice. Voices joined in song can help call gods, raise flagging spirits, and tell the story of our work. We’ve got a FANCY Facebook page for sharing music events, and inspiration when we aren’t singing together at events. Every singer is welcome to join and to carry this tune for our people.
Stone Crew - The Stone Crew consists of people whose act of service for the tribe is through labor. Our main role is helping guide the tribe in the ritual of moving and raising multi ton stone structures by hand safely and in a sacred way. Our path is built on trust, respect, communication, and the safety of everyone involved. If you are interested in joining us you can ask us on the Stone Circle Council Facebook page or if you're ever at an event and see a bunch of brutes standing around staring at a hole that’s us, come say “hi”.
Tech Witches - The Tech Witches consist of people whose act of service for the tribe is through technology. Our main role is to provide an opportunity for our entire community to participate regardless of physical location. This can be by planning virtual events and activities or assisting on-site to live stream activities to one of our Zoom links. If you are interested in joining us, you can talk to one of us at any event. All levels of tech skills are welcome and encouraged.
Joining a committee is a great way to volunteer and connect with members of our community. Send us an email at Admin@stonecirclecouncil.org if you are interested in joining a committee.
Outreach Committee - The mission of the Outreach Committee is to build connections within Stone Circle Council (SCC) and throughout the region to engage and enrich our community in the following ways:
To represent SCC at pagan events in the region (i.e. Pagan Pride Days) and provide information about SCC to potential event celebrants & future members.
To welcome attendees new to SCC events, both virtual and in person, providing opportunities for engagement to increase inclusiveness & promote a welcoming environment.
To connect SCC members with information about other local groups that SCC members participate in and provide an SCC contact for more information.
Planning Committees - Our Planning Committees plan our events and figure out all of the details. We have planning committees for the following events:
- Imbolc
- Beltane
- Lughnasadh
- TriFire
- Stone Family Gathering
- Mabon
- Samhain
- Yule
Youth Committee - Where them kids at?? You’ll find them here in the Youth Committee! We’re the next generation of stone pullers & raisers. You’ll find our tiny hands and watchful eyes everywhere. We participate in a ‘lil bit of everything; from games to rituals, you’ll spot us if you look. Our role is to help where we can, learn what is taught to us & share happiness with the rest of our tribe. Anyone is welcome to join us for we’re ALL kids at heart! :D
All groups and committees are also on our Discord server!
This page needs more content! If you'd like to help out and write a blurb about some of our wonderful committees, contact Keiden at keidenbren@gmail.com or Avery at avery.m.szafranski@gmail.com, or you can message the officers at the SCC Facebook page.